Saturday, November 8, 2008


Article Submission:


"Expand Service-Learning in Our Nation's Schools: Obama and Biden will set a goal that all middle and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year. They will develop national guidelines for service- learning and will give schools better tools both to develop programs and to document student experience.

Green Job Corps: Obama and Biden will create an energy-focused youth jobs program to provide disadvantaged youth with service opportunities weatherizing buildings and getting practical experience in fast-growing career fields.

Expand YouthBuild Program: Obama and Biden will expand the YouthBuild program, which gives disadvantaged young people the chance to complete their high school education, learn valuable skills and build affordable housing in their communities. They will grow the program so that 50,000 low-income young people a year a chance to learn construction job skills and complete high school.

Require 100 Hours of Service in College: Obama and Biden will establish a new American Opportunity Tax Credit that is worth $4,000 a year in exchange for 100 hours of public service a year.

Promote College Serve-Study: Obama and Biden will ensure that at least 25 percent of College Work-Study funds are used to support public service opportunities instead of jobs in dining halls and libraries. "

Does this remind you of other socialists putting children to work? I wouldn't want my son to HAVE TO do this. What if he wants to do other things with his time, such as sports or music?


Atkinson Reporter said...


Anonymous said...

What is wrong with you! Roll up your sleeves and help build up American and stop tearing it down! Bush told us all to go shopping after 9/11!
November 8, 2008 12:18 PM
Anonymous said...

Is this blog owner like a mentally retarded Bill O'Reilly, or does he just act that way?
November 8, 2008 1:06 PM
Anonymous said...

The Place for Atkinsonian Presidential Politics
This is the new place for all discussions of National and Presidential Politics, far and away from the Atkinson Reporter 2, which will continue to discuss Issues of local importance to Atkinson.

Mr. Blog Owner sir. What happened to this? It's still up and running...
November 8, 2008 2:03 PM
Anonymous said...

RE: November 8, 2008 2:03 PM

Amen Brother John. Get this stuff out of here.

And people wonder why the town fathers don't take this forum seriously.
November 8, 2008 2:19 PM
Anonymous said...

This blog started as Thomas Jefferson, and is on it's turning into being Hulk Hogan...
November 8, 2008 3:07 PM

Fishgutz said...

Anon, 11/8 12:18
Slavery has been illegal in the United States since 1865. 600,000 Americans died in the war to end slavery. BO wants to bring it back and call it "community service."
When the government forces someone to work for no pay it is slavery. His proposal also violates multiple child labor laws that apply regardless of paid status.
His plan also violates the religious and personal beliefs of everyone who hold to the truth spirit if charity and volunteering without expectation of reward or acknowledgment. BO's plan forces everyone to report volunteer activity to the government and only activities approved by the government count. In MA Devolve Patrick start a "paid volunteer" program for state employees where they can take one paid day a month to "volunteer." However, helping at the soup kitchen of one's church is not allowed.
When the government forces one to do something, it is not "service" it is not "volunteering" and it does not build character. Colleges long ago turned "community service" into resume building. BO was to erase the last bit of true volunteering spirit.

Anonymous said...

Fishgutz, I think you are taking a twisted leap of logic by equating community service to slavery. Do you even know what YouthBuild is or does?

If you read the article carefully, you will see that the "required" 100 hours of community service is in exchange for a $4K tax credit. If you want your kid to be involved in another activity, or if you do not want to participate, you can opt out. I do not recall ever reading about slaves being able to opt out of their servitude, do you?

Fishgutz said...

BO's plan specifically calls for MANDATED service. When words like "required" are used it is not voluntary and there is no opt out.
An no way would any democrat propose "paying" anyone $40 an hour. And any so-called "tax credit" would be limited only to those whose don't work enough to actually pay taxes.
Read the words he has written and said. BO is proposing mandatory servitude for anyone in and school that receives federal funds.

Anonymous said...

Fishgutz, can you please show me where in the article, or on the link that is referenced in this topic, there is anything that implies this is mandatory or required? I've searched and I cannot find it.

I will admit that there are several ways that this can be interpreted and you can draw a conclusion that, at the middle and high school level, it would be mandatory.

As for the tax credit, can you please show the fine print you mention?

Anonymous said...

Jack Kennedy started the Peace Corps, which was essentially a group of younger people (largely college kids) who did service in other countries. It has always received respect and praise. Barack Obama has said the country will pay for their college in return for their working for the country...not necessarily in a community. So we end up with smarter people who feel good about what they have done. NOT little kids....older kids who want a better life.

So what's wrong with that?

Anonymous said...

Obama and Biden will set a goal that ALL middle and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year.

They want ALL students to WORK as "so called volunteers" to the state. That is not volunteering.

The Peace Corps is not forced as this will be.

I agree with Fishgutz.

Anonymous said...

You know what? Having middle school and high school kids work isn't a bad idea. It keeps them out of trouble; helps keep them away from drugs; and is probably very enlightening. Also probably help with school grades, because they'll need them to get in to college.

Be that as it may, I don't believe that's what Obama is planning.

Fishgutz said...

Again, force service does not build character. Only truly voluntary service does.
It is not volunteering when colleges require a "community service resume" because one does the "service" with expectation of reward.
The rewording of BO's plan from "required" to a "tax credit" is simply lowering the temperature on the pot so the frog won't jump out. His Chief of Staff is an advocate of forced servitude.
It does not matter how much good comes from volunteering. All that disappears as soon as there is either punishment or reward for what was once done in a volunteer spirit. But liberals like BO just don't understand that. They think they have a duty to mandate for us what they think is good for themselves. They are not really pro-choice.
Their are plenty on the other side of the isle with their heads up a particular orifice too.
But as a rule, when a conservative does charitable work, they do it with their own time and money. Liberals do government approved charity with other people's time and money and then take full credit for the "result."

Anonymous said...

Fishgutz, you are such an ass. So conservatives are more altruistic with community service and volunteering than democrats? WTF?
What a moronic, partisan jerk you are.

Here's a partisan, idiotic comment right back at you: when I see a conservative performing community service, it usually is forced as its punishment for a white collar crime they've committed.

Honestly, you have to be one of the dumbest, most hateful posters I've ever seen on this board.

BTW, where is the proof that President Elect Obama is requiring this? I thought so....

Fishgutz said...

Every study ever done of charitable giving has shown that the most generous are self identified conservative Christians. The least generous are liberal atheists. This is not a statement of hate. It is a statement of fact.

BO's original proposal uses the words "required" and "mandatory." His appointed chief of staff is a proponent of mandatory "service."

BO's plan now includes language that will make it appear that the local school district is mandating service rather than BO. This is done by requiring schools to mandate service in order to receive certain funds.
Mandating the one serve the purposes of another without compensation is slavery.
Most state constitutions mandate a free public education. It would violate state constitutions to turn around and mandate service as a condition for the public education.

Since when it pointing out truths that some do not like to here considered being "hateful?"

Again, when there is a mandate or reward for "community service" it is not volunteering.

I do not resort to name calling. I do not know who "Anonymous" is. Nor do you know me.
I once leaned liberal. I even believed Bubba Clinton when he promised the most ethical administration we have ever seen.
But then I grew up. I have come to understand concepts like free will and true choice. I don't get mad when people call me names. I have been subjected to name calling from the first day I went to Atkinson Academy. It is nothing new. I only fell sorry for those who feel they must resort to name calling.

Anonymous said...


You said: Every study ever done of charitable giving has shown that the most generous are self identified conservative Christians.

Can you please show my proof of this "data"?

I doubt it...