Monday, October 13, 2008

The Place for Atkinsonian Presidential Politics

This is the new place for all discussions of National and Presidential Politics, far and away from the Atkinson Reporter 2, which will continue to discuss Issues of local importance to Atkinson.


Atkinson Reporter said...

Seeing that many, if not most, people that come to this blog will chose to vote for Barack Obama, I find it very sad that the person running this blog has chosen to add to the list of links here a partisan link to a typically Republican Swiftboat type of website.

In light of that, I would ask the person running this blog to make a statement as to whether they respect the people that post here enough to keep partisan crap off this site.

I am a frequent poster and have written multiple submitted articles, but I am getting sick of the idiotic partisan trash that is appearing here. You have another website were you can preach your hateful diatribes and ignorant rumors, we don't need to read it here. Besides, after the electoral beating you're about to experience, the evidence of your support will only serve to embarass you. Please think clearly on this, and let us know of your decision.

Will you put the work of this board ahead of selfish motives?

Atkinson Reporter said...

Anonymous said...


This wonderful Sate was a true Republican state before the moon-bats roosted here!

Atkinson Reporter said...

Anonymous said...

The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.
Norman Thomas, Co-Founder ACLU

Atkinson Reporter said...

Anonymous said...

I see that 9;33 does not like McCain. Its everyones right to like McCain or Obama. Just because the atkinsonreporter has pro McCain info does not give you the right to demand the reporter to take it down. Relax, this will all be over soon. Everyone has strong emotions over who should win, and in these trying times, the emotions can be much higher.

Atkinson Reporter said...

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me what Obama has done when he served as a senator? If I take a look at things from a historical perspective, he has done nothing. Moreover, in all of his political speeches they paint a picture of promise yet there is no substance to that promise, it is an illusion.

There are many that have drank the Obama kool-aid and are backing him because he anti-bush. Granted bush is not the only one responsible for what we have here and if got rid of Pelosi and crew, we would be MUCH BETTER OFF

Atkinson Reporter said...

Anonymous said...

Interesting to note that Obama supporters who read this blog also disagree with the majority of people who post here. The angry left. Did you read that rant? Wow.

Atkinson Reporter said...

Anonymous said...

What the people here are asking for is a non-partisan board to address the issues of bad local government. How difficult is that to understand?

Angry left? Angry about being ahead in all the polls? Angry about the coming landslide election and picking up seats in the House and Senate? I haven't been happier in decades...

Which party is embarassing themselves by yelling for blood at rallies, with hateful bigoted racists screaming "kill him"? Which party is booing their own candidate?

Grow up, confine the partisan trash to your other site, and at least pretend to be selfless enough to care about the town enough to act maturely. Or risk a split in the movement to reform our town government.

Ball is in your court. You might want to listen to Curton this one.

Atkinson Reporter said...

Carol Grant said...

21 postings to the lead article and only the first five are related or respond to the lead article.

That ruins and conflicts with the intent of the response feature. When I read the blog I want to read about happenings in Atkinson. Presidential politics diatribes don't belong on either Atkinson Reporter II or the Factor.

I read the diatribes and find most of them venomous. At this point in time, just about everyone had already decided who they're going to vote for. i doubt there are very many people who really haven't decided.

People have strong feelings about their presidential candiates and they're not going to change their mind because some blogger attacks their candidate.

So why don't we all agree to disagree and allow the blog responses to be what they're supposed to be: responses to the lead article and only responses that deal with the ideas put forward in the lead article.
Please spare the blog the venom that's being demonstrated!

Atkinson Reporter said...

Anonymous said...


I agree with you. However, the administrator of this blog states:

This is an election year, and to give a little break from the in town events and corruption, discussions of Presidential events have been allowed.

Therefore, he has decided to let his partisan views cloud his judgment and continue -- to the delight of PC, the BOS, and Planning Board -- to destroy the this blog.

I, for one, will have difficulty believing some of the future posts here seeing the way they completely contradict themselves in defense of McCain, Palin, et al.

Atkinson Reporter said...

Anonymous said...

What a judgemental snot to lump all blog supporters into one bucket while complaining that they judge us all as being of one mind! Do you see the bigotry with this poster?

"If the host here can't figure out that that's the right thing to do then maybe we'll start another board and leave the right wing yahoo's here to mock blacks, other minorities, and disabled children all they want. I, for one, won't support people that throw their ignorance and bigotry in my face; it's simply unethical to stand by silently while they spout their idiotic hatred."

Curt Springer said...

This will be my only post to this blog (assuming nobody responds on a personal basis).

I just wanted to welcome this site to the group of local sites in the TRSD and adjacent areas.

I posted a link on SpeakoutDanville in case Danville people are interested in what Atkinson people are saying. And if anybody is interested in what Danville people are saying or quoting or posting links for, HERE is the link to our 2008 presidential election discussions.